Kamilah Mercedes Valentín Díaz


Kamilah Mercedes Valentín Díaz is a brown girl con orgullo. She’s a chronic overthinker who reads, writes, and fights her way through life. In 2022, she published her debut poetry collection, Moriviví: To have Died yet Lived, with Alegria Publishing. And in 2023, she graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and minors in English and Anthropology from Purdue University. As a Boricua living in diaspora she is committed to decolonization, and finds her vehicle to resistance through self-expression. Exploring topics of girlhood, place, space, culture, mental health, and home; she hopes to inspire others to follow their calling. In the summer of 2024, she will begin her MFA in creative Writing at Queens University Charlotte.

Instagram: @kams_conchispas

Website: kamsconchispas