
poetry is not a luxury. It is a vital necessity of our existence ~ Audre Lorde

Tara Alexx Jay Tara Alexx Jay


I don’t wanna be anxiously
Because, if we’re a match, then why is it
Go. Leave with reckless abandon 
and I’ll stop fruitlessly trying to keep our 
intentions in tandem,
cycling through our old messages 
trying to keep my heart fed.
You always left me on read.

We lose the best parts of ourselves 
trying to kiss the pain of others
I grew tired of 
whispering into the roots of your family tree:
“Show me where it aches”
in the hopes of trying to know you.

Wrap rings around me, call me Saturn.
I bury my uncertainty beneath a mask until it’s my turn
and turn the soil. Hope masquerading as growth. 
All the while these thoughts permeate:
What if my fear learned to see, 
What if my heart knew to put on its armour 
before bathing in the joy of loving, her
What if my lungs knew not to drown in the rock pools of 
butterfly wings escaped from my stomach.

Shallow affection.

Love, don’t tell me my feelings are just too much
I’ve measured them out in the tattered pages of your favourite books, 
in sleeves of your shirts yet to be worn, 
so keep my heart there:
Tell me I’m just enough. 

Some days, I can’t bring myself to face myself, 
I don’t have the space to hold her and a
façade of what could have been.
And if I collected up, on bended knee 
all the pieces that I’d given away to souls who stealthily learned to mirror me, 
do you think I’d find enough to love me?
This affliction, addiction to searching is becoming unholy. 

Love, if you cared enough to ask
I’d tell you.
Tell you that I’m measuring my breaths in
the seconds minutes hours
I’d spent wishing you’d text.
In the words I’d let turn to embers in fireplaces, 
to feed flames, now your body isn’t here to keep me warm.
I’d tell you that time isn’t a healer,
that she’s a 
thief who creeps in, in the dead of night, pries my eyelids open with barbed fingers
slipping beneath sheets, serpentine.
Stirring our memories,
and waits there. 
On my chest. 
Holding my 

Waiting for…

by Tara Alexx Jay

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Anandi Gunda Anandi Gunda



To me, you were god’s best piece of art-- nature’s beauty,

My eyes spotted you among hundreds of others,

A smile so enticing,

You were a blooming flower surrounded by a thicket of weeds, 

And I was a white butterfly that could never have your spotlight, 

It felt like spring on a gloomy Monday morning in October, 

I couldn’t help but loom closer to you, 

To admire your beautiful sight that I wished would remain in my eyes--forever, 

Not a second’s glance, yet I wondered? 

How would the nights be to sleep with your scent by my side? 

How would it be blessed to be looked upon by a sunflower like the way it does the sun? 

How would I live without caressing your cheeks, even if they are soft petals about to wilt? 

As I flew closer, my chest was filled with warmth and joy, 

Butterflies formed in my stomach,

My heart was thumping so loudly that it could’ve exploded, 

I batted my eyes so rapidly and my wings fluttered quickly,

At that moment, if you had beseeched, I would’ve wrapped my heart in your petals,


I noticed her hovering near me and I smiled, 

I knew that she saw the sun in me, 

She longed to entangle her hands in mine, 

Like a butterfly landing on a flower’s antenna, 

Little does she know I’m a Venus Fly Trap disguised as a sunflower, 

As she approached, my heart paced faster, 

I could feel an adrenaline rush coursing through my body, 

My pulse matched hers, 

I couldn’t help but ponder? 

How would she endure it if I built castles in the air for her and then killed her dreams under my petals--softly? 

How would I live without her recognizing my true colors? 

How would she remain broken if I consumed her time, her patience, and her mind? 

I’m not as pure as she thinks I am. 

I would dare to share my pain by burning her wings and tainting them black.

I have no other option, for I am a Venus Fly Trap. 

I feed on pure souls. 

She is god’s most beautiful piece of art, 

And I enjoy altering paintings for my desires, 

For as long as they last.

by Anandi Gunda

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Amaya Branche Amaya Branche


slathered with sweet oils and fruit butters my skin still pulps in the winter winds. i have a life full of simple pleasures. the body, a terribly incompatible temple to the mind, and not enough lavender to soothe things. bowls of soup and piles of clean fish bones, clean unfolded clothes, all well and good, yes. yet this soulless osmosis cannot be stopped through only these means.

how to break an awkward stare with a kiss,
to move from hand-holding to starry-eyed copulation. from liking the band on someone’s shirt to a deep, nearly unheard of intimacy. how to fall in love with oneself by affirming that it is okay to weep.
let’s just start here.

the body: a heavily armed, and sacred room. its incongruencies are only perceived.

put the mind on the table.
but do not poke it with that stick.
sing to her, softly.
sing to her.

by Amaya Branche

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Leya Kuan Leya Kuan

You are Just a Friend

Every lie you tell me belongs in Heaven 
and every shred of truth can go right down to the depths of Hell—pour it out of half my soul and fill up your cup
Just because you are just, just because we only are just, 
You make me nineteen in the same way you are, you 
Bring me back to the childhood I lost when I was fifteen, 
Stop the time and stop that man! Stop it all at the line, 
Can’t we just be alone with no other entity to prey upon 
Us? Can’t we be left alone on our own without a prayer?

Maybe I will never be her, I cannot love you because 
Someone else got to get to you first, but there is this
One beating in my heart that I cannot put to a feeling, 
But how nice that she got to hold you in her arms and 
Declare that skin hers to feel to a fault, I get to hold you
Too but without a word to hold me accountable, even if
I am content with this worthless warmth, Winehouse has
To warn me some waiting urgency, that my heart will 
Break for you every time, just because I am/was not her.

And as much as I dream and delude myself into 
Believing I am some film star with a camera trailing my
My lines and my moves, you will remember that certain
Part of me that no one else will bother with, no one no 
More, the more I feel, the more I would like to forget, 
I write this in my underwear, I do not let you look
Under where my truth leads to, there is nothing more 
Than what meets the naked eye, I am so predictable that
Everybody already knows, everybody talks as if they do. 

Whatever you want to call me, love, or Leya, 
Let me fall in love alone and mend the heart you did not get to break, it is not your fault that my days are filled with you, even worse when my days have no hint of you, 
Have you the courage equal to my desire? I clap with
One hand tied behind my back, fingers crossed, in 
Anticipation or to relieve me of any red herring you laid
Out for me to trip all over, I could swear that there was 
Someone for me to love, another Troy for me to destroy. 

by Leya Kuan

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Karolyn K Smith Karolyn K Smith

My body in your mouth

Baby fat:

To my mother you say:

she cute eeh,
watch har likkle chubby cheeks
and chunky thighs
I could just love har up.

I coo and smile, not understanding.

Pickney tings:

To my mother you say:

yuh never breastfeed har enough,
look how she look malnourished,
mawga bad bad; look how she tough?

I look down at skinny legs,
skinny, strong legs,
skinny, strong, brown legs
that let me run from boys who want to touch what’s not theirs
that lift me up into trees that girls
shouldn’t climb
that make me keep in step with
my granddad’s long strides.

I was confused.

Force ripe:

To my mother you say:
pickney nuh fi get breast so soon
smaddy must a feel dem up;
go get har checked out –
mark my words.

I look down at the bumps
raised higher than welts
nipples protruding beyond the swells
my tears rolled off them
like waterfalls over mountains.
I do not understand my body’s changing
I do not want this change
I squeeze them like pimples
they do not burst
but keep growing like
ripened fruits upon my chest.

I do not understand this change in my body.


To me you say:
When di baby due? Di belly look round eeh.
A hope a nuh girl pickney yuh going have –
dem gi too much trouble fi raise.

I look down at my belly
empty of womb –
the site of life
and death.
I look at its softness
the rolls that shake
when I belly laugh
the joy that bubbles up and can’t be contained
the rolls that shake when I dance
when no one’s looking
the rolls that lovers hang on
to for dear life
when riding that high wave.
I smile,
I understand.
my body
that holds me up
it brings me joy
and pain in equal measure
it is a source of beauty
and shame
But it deserves to be loved
every inch of it
deserves all the sweet
and empowering things to be whispered over it
etched on it like a mural.

I reach over to you
I part your lips,
gently at first
(you are surprised)
I put my fingers in
then my hand
I grip firmly on to your tongue
and rip my beautiful body from
your mouth

I understand:
my body has no home there –
there with its putrid lies.

I leave you tongue-less and bloody
grabbing at your throat
missing the way
my body used to sit in your mouth.

by Karolyn K Smith

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